Have you heard the news? The Gibson City Restoration Association won a grant through Landmarks Illinois. The $5,000 grant is to make priority repairs on the Burwell Building. Click on the picture below to read the press release.
Landmarks Illinois also put us in contact with a historical restoration architect who is helping us prioritize the repairs needed to the Burwell Building. He has done a thorough inspection of the building. His recommendations will help us to determine what needs to be done first.
We are honored to have been granted this money for our restoration project. Thank you Landmarks Illinois!
Demolition of the back addition
We've also had some demolition going on in the back alley behind the building. There was an addition put on the building many years ago. The structure was leaking, causing the floors to rot (which also allowed those stray cats to get inside). Due to years of neglect, it just was not in a state that was beyond repair. We also wanted to have additional parking in the back, so the Board decided to demo the addition.

David Hudson Construction was hired to do the work. If you've driven past you might have noticed that the addition is gone, the back of the building has a new door and there has been several layers of rock added for parking spaces. It is so nice to see progress being made on our restoration activities. And, the Burwell cats are no longer able to get inside the building. Yay!

We have plans to host an Open House in the Spring. This will allow our local supporters, legislators, and the public to view the building. This event will highlight the building and inform our local legislators of our efforts.
We have several other activities planned for the spring, so stay tuned! And, as always, thank you for following along with our restoration efforts.
Changes to the Queen of Hearts payout structure
We have made some exciting changes to our weekly Queen of Hearts drawing as well. The higher the jackpot gets, the higher the payouts for certain cards get. If you are familiar with our game today, you know that if you pick a joker or a queen (non-heart suit), you win $100. Well, we have expanded those options to allow you to win more with more cards.
And, as the jackpot rises in value, so do the payout values for those cards. See the new payout structure below.

Be sure to join us every Wednesday night at Mark's on First Bar and Grill for our drawing. Tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5, 12 for $10 or 25 for $20. With these new payout structures, you don't want to miss out!
#BurwellBuilding #HistoricalRestoration #HistoricalPreservation #Peoplesavingplaces #LandmarksIllinois #QueenofHeartsraffle